This weekend we went on a family hike in one of our local ravine’s to take in the beautiful colours, fresh air and great weather.

The ravine we explored is extra special to me because I spent countless hours playing here as a child.  My sisters and I would pretend we were Alice in Wonderland lost in the forest, we’d hike these paths after big family meals and we couldn’t wait to take our sleds down the steep hills after first snowfall. To share this beautiful place with my family filled my heart to the brim!

We took in the sight of crisp golden leaves against a bright blue sky, smelled the sweet scents of the season and discovered stumps of wood chewed by a hard working beaver. The girls couldn’t get enough! Ava even packed her backpack with all her “essentials” – Bandaids & Polysporin, lip balm, extra hair elastics and of course her little notebook to take field notes. (She’s our little Scientist.)

And, I was reminded that these simple moments are the moments that REALLY COUNT.

These are the moments that bind us together as a family.

So, in our busy, chaotic lives that are always packed with “to-do’s”; piles of laundry, kids homework, work commitments, and endless dishes to clean how do we make time for these simple slow moments? These moments that really matter?

We’ve all been there. We have great intentions to spend our valuable time wisely, on what really matters. Then, little things creep in and steal our time and leave us feeling frustrated and disappointed.

In August (as an early birthday present for myself) I purchased Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner. I love the layout and space to write my to do’s and daily schedule along with a meal plan and happy thought for the week. I highly recommend this planner! Even though they are sold in the States, all of my Canadian friends can purchase it at your local Chapters/Indigo store!

I love starting the new season with a clean slate and fresh perspective for the year ahead. I think of all the things I want to change and accomplish in the coming year to be the best version of me! I’m always so hopeful and excited to initiate positive change! But, usually by October 1st I’m wondering why the things that really matter end up at the bottom of a long list of “to-do’s” and I’m back into the old routine of putting every one else’s needs before my own!

But, I’m happy to report that this year has been drastically different!

When I received the planner, I took the time to read the section on setting up my planner for the year and I was surprised to find that it is actually the PREP WORK that sets your year up for success!

Before I even thought about the one thousand to do’s on my mind, I took Emily’s advice and started to reflect on my TOP 3 PRIORITIES for the upcoming year.

What are the things that bring you the most joy, and are “non-negotiables” that you believe will lead you toward living YOUR BEST LIFE?! Perhaps it’s putting your marriage first, or spending un-rushed quality time with your kids each week, or pursuing a passion that sets your heart on fire! Maybe you want to step into leadership in an organization you are part of, or perhaps you want to get your health in check. The possibilities are endless! 

But, it’s important to narrow in on the TOP 3 game changing priorities that you want to implement this year.

So, go ahead and give yourself some time today to SET YOUR PRIORITIES!

You don’t need to wait until January 1st to do this! Today is the day!

Now that you have those precious MUST HAVES in mind… the fun part comes in MAKING IT HAPPEN!

5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Today

1. What needs to change in your daily or weekly schedule to allow time to pursue these priorities?

2. Do you need to find a babysitter for a weekly or monthly date night with your hun?

3. Where can you find an hour in your week to carve out some one-on-one time with your kids?

4. Do you need to sign up for a course or class that will lead you toward the direction of your dreams?

5. What do you need to say no (or not right now) to, to make room for your priorities?

Think outside the box! Get creative!

Maybe you’ll do a “kid swap” with a neighbour to get those date nights in, perhaps you will finally sell the pile of stuff sitting in your basement in order to fund that photography class you are dying to take.

The key is to come up with a plan and make it happen!

Start today, now is the time! Don’t let fear or doubt stand in the way!

Now, go and grab that planner of yours and schedule in those priorities FIRST.

If Wednesday night is date night, schedule it in! If you are going to have a one on one date with your child after their piano lesson each week, schedule it in! If you decide to implement Sunday family dinners because you don’t see your family enough, send out an invite and slap that plan in there like a boss!

You own your time, and where you spend your time is a reflection of what truly matters in your life! 

And, here’s the other important truth that will leave you feeling encouraged and not overwhelmed!

Take all your plans and commit them to the Lord! Pray over them, and ask Him to direct your steps this year! He cares about your plans and wants you to succeed!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

 I encourage you to PREP and PRIORITIZE before you fill up your schedules with to-do’s and lists!

Consider sharing some of your priorities below so we can inspire and encourage one another in this OWK community!

Cheers to your best year yet! 

SIDE NOTE: All these ideas are my own and I was not sponsored to do this post!