The school year is in full swing. Kids activities have begun and the responsibilities at work and home are picking up. Fall is a season when school, church and community committees begin again and volunteer opportunities arise. All of these things can be exciting, fun and fulfilling but if we aren’t careful, the busyness can turn into overwhelm as our schedules bulge at the seams! 

I’m here to encourage you and tell you that there there is a way for us to do the things that matter and to do them well. The way to do that is to carve out time for self care and soul care, with lots of grace weaved in! This means that we are choosing to take deliberate action in order to support our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Practicing self and soul care allows us to set healthy boundaries and fill our own tanks so we can give our best self to the people who need us most! 

Today, I’m sharing 5 simple tips on how you can make room for self and soul care in the busy seasons of motherhood.

1. Reflect

Set aside 30 minutes this week to sit down and reflect on the simple things that fill your tank. If its been a while since you’ve focused on you, this may feel strange and this activity may be difficult. Keep in mind that you are doing this in order to show up as the best version of yourself for your loved ones. As you reflect, don’t overthink, just write down whatever comes to mind. Here are some questions to guide you.

  • What brings you joy?
  • What allows you to recharge and breathe more deeply?
  • What makes you smile?
  • What makes you feel loved?

2. Keep it Simple 

Adding self care to your already full schedule does not need to be time intensive or difficult to attain. Sometimes we just need to shift perspective and look for pockets of time to be intentional. Around 30 minutes is a good goal to aim for in order to reset and recharge, but even 10 minutes will make a difference!  

  • Check your schedule for do-able chunks of time to fit in self care. Think kids nap time, waking up a bit earlier or choosing to spend time doing something you love after your kids are in bed. Perhaps there is time available while your child is in a class or activity. 
  • Make a go-to list of your favourite ways to unwind and relax. 
  • Some great ideas for self care could include having a nap, reading, enjoying some tech free time, enjoying a hot cup of coffee, spending time in nature, going on a walk during your lunch break, stretching, going to a yoga class, listening to a podcast, phoning a friend or buying a plant baby for your desk or kitchen counter.

3. Schedule It In Your Calendar

Schedule self care into your week and treat it like an important appointment!

  • Be creative with your schedule, remember to look for those “pockets of time” 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed! Consider arranging a “kid swap” with another busy mama. You take her kiddos for an hour or two while you get a massage and she can return the favour! 
  • Remember you are prioritizing “filling your tank” so you can keep on giving wholeheartedly to the people who need you most. Choosing to take care of your needs benefits everyone.  

4. Give Yourself Grace 

Making time for yourself can be tricky at first; especially if you are used to caring for your own needs last. Start small and give yourself lots of grace as you discover the things that fill your tank. In the process, practice loving yourself just as you are today in these simple ways: 

  • Think about your inner dialogue. Choose to speak to yourself with kindness, encouragement and love. 
  • Treat yourself like a best friend! As you spend more time deliberately caring for yourself and filling your tank, you may find that you love your own company more than ever! Don’t be too serious, enjoy the unique quirks that make you perfectly imperfectly you! 
  • Aim to drink lots of water and enjoy fresh fruits and veggies daily to feel your best! 

5. Make Room for Soul Care

We are complex individuals made up of many parts: our physical self, emotional needs, mental health and spirituality all play a part. Soul care gives us permission to set healthy boundaries so we can do the very things that quench our thirst and fuel our soul. Here are some ways that you may feel nurtured and whole:

  • Read a devotional to start the day
  • Read about someone who inspires you
  • Pray or meditate daily
  • Read inspirational quotes
  • Journal
  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for
  • Garden
  • Exercise

Sharing is caring! Pin this image so that more mamas are encouraged to prioritize self and soul care in the busy seasons of motherhood! 

I challenge you to encourage another mama today! REACH out and tell her why you appreciate her, what you love about her, why you are thankful for her! And then, give yourself some positive affirmations while you are at it!

What are your favourite ways to enjoy self care or soul care in your week? Please share in the comments section below!