Intentional Planning: setting your family calendar up for what matters most

The desire to find balance and peace within our everyday chaos is a challenge to say the least. We can have the best of intentions and then “life happens.” What we spend our time on indicates what we value, and a lot of families find that when they look at where they are spending their time (driving all over the city, eating in the car, staying up too late) it is not aligned with their family values and priorities.

I recommend taking a few hours before the school year starts to do some “purposeful planning” and map out your priorities as a family. I recommend using a paper or digital planner as well as a large family calendar that is placed in a visible spot in your home. Follow these 6 simple steps and begin living a life of intention this year! 

1. Priorities first

It’s time to map out your top priorities before filling up your calendar with endless appointments and to do’s. Starting with a blank calendar and brainstorming all of the things you want to include in your week to feel like you are living your best life is going to be a game changer.

  • Reflect on what brings you joy, as a family and individually. What is a non-negotiable must have in your day to day? Looking at your current season, what is most important to you?
  • Your priorities may include relationships, personal goals, self care, sticking to a budget, or getting organized. There is no right or wrong answer!
  • Don’t hold back, write down whatever comes to mind on a blank sheet of paper. 

Once you have created a list of priorities, its time to star your TOP 3. (Note: some of your ideas may have a common theme.) These top 3 priorities are what you will intentionally make room for in your calendar this year!

2. Write down all of your current responsibilities

Now that you have nailed down your top 3 priorities, you will write out all of your current commitments and time required for them (work, school, kids activities, volunteering, hosting etc…). It is important to be realistic about what your “YES” means. How much driving time does it take to get to and from activities, are there weekend tournaments or recitals, is the activity in your neighbourhood (save on driving time) or are you driving across the city at rush hour (add in extra time), will you be eating dinner in the car most days because the activity is during the supper hour? 

  • What do your current commitments require from you?
  • What does your YES mean?
  • Decide what you can say NO to (or not right now) to make room for the things that matter most in this season.

3. Get creative: how are you going to make room and time for your priorities?

We all have 24 hours in a day, and sometimes we just need to get creative and look for pockets of time to make room for our priorities.

  • Use your mornings to your advantage. Think of this strategy as getting a “head start” to your day. Consider waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual. 
  • Consistent evening routines promote better sleep and can include pockets of un-rushed quality time as a family when everyone knows what to expect. 
  • Include weekly rhythms to save you time and reduce stress: Taco Tuesdays/ Friday night Pizza night/ Pack lunches after dinner/ Unload the dishwasher before bed/ Do 1 load of laundry a day … these are a few of my favourites! 

4. Schedule in your priorities

Now that you have had some time to get creative and brainstorm, it’s time to put those priorities in your calendar and treat them like an important appointment. Here are some examples of how to make priorities happen in your week:

  • Early morning routine – decide on what is most important to you in the mornings. Waking up before the kids, exercising and having a quiet coffee before the rest of the household wakes up is a great way to get in some self care and set up your day for success! 
  • Weekly date night – schedule it in, have a list of possible babysitters on hand, brainstorm fun date nights in and out with your significant other, consider doing a “kid swap” with another family – you watch their kids one week, and they watch yours the next! 
  • Monthly meetings – once a month, schedule in a few hours with your spouse to touch base on important upcoming events, relationship matters, budget and family goals! 
  • Dates with your kids – plan these out ahead of time so they happen. Take advantage of moments where you may be waiting with one child while another one is in an appointment or at a sporting event. 
  • Time at the gym – set yourself up for success by adding your workout into the calendar and put your exercise clothing out the night before, or always have your gym bag ready to go in the car. 

5. Add important dates, school + work commitments and kids activities to your calendar

Now is the time to look at all of your current commitments and place them in your personal planner, digital calendar and family calendar. The idea is to know what is coming so you can be prepared ahead of time and be sure that all family members know what is happening each day to avoid stressful surprises!

  • Add in birthdays, anniversary’s, holidays and special events
  • Pull up each child’s school calendar and add in important dates for the year
  • Add in kids activities (including recitals and tournaments)
  • Schedule in 30 minutes on the weekend to sync all calendars and add in upcoming personal and work commitments
  • Set reminders a week or two before events that require you to bring a gift or food

6. Carve out White space 

It seems as though our culture prides itself on busyness, always challenging us to fit in more to our already full calendars. But, I’m here to tell you that white space is worth its weight in gold.

  • Take a look at your calendar: how many evenings are free? Aim to spend at least 3 evenings in the week at home.
  • Keep in mind: those blank spots on your calendar are the moments you can recharge as a family.
  • Scheduling in white space stops us from operating at “full charge” all of the time, which can eventually lead to burnout.
  • Unstructured time allows for spontaneous creativity and fun! 

Don’t let FEAR or DOUBT stand in your way, you can do this! Remember that change needs to be SIMPLE. Commit to a 30 minute change per day or week that is easily manageable and go from there. Give yourself permission to experiment and tweak as you go! I’m rooting for you! 

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll love my 6 Essential Back to School Routines post!